24-Hour Emergency Road Service
Roadside Assistance provides 24/7/365 emergency road service for when your vehicle is disabled.
Program Benefits
Towing service up to 35 miles
Spare tire change
Lockout services
Mechanical first aid
Battery jump service
Fluid delivery service
No deductibles or co-pays

See your vehicle service contract for individual state requirements.

Available For New, Used, And Leased Vehicles

The content of this website is limited and is meant for marketing purposes only. The entire terms, conditions, and exclusions of the warranties and contracts described on this website are fully described in the warranty and contract documents. Please ask your salesperson to provide you with a copy of the applicable form so you may review it fully prior to purchase.
Programs and/or coverage may not be available in all areas, please inquire. Certain exclusions may apply, see a copy of the written warranty for complete details.